Friday, July 3, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance

So you think you can dance huh? Are you a parent? If you are then the answer to that is more than likely a resounding no (unless you are Madonna and then well parenting skills are another debate). Did you ever look at your parents dancing and cringe? Yip, I did and now Paul and I have worked out that its our fault.

I used to bounce like Beyonce, "poppin' it like its hot as it always 'got hot in here' when I was on the dance floor. I was the white woman who could "jump, jump, everybody',ok so maybe I'm talking myself up here but I could dance.

Now Paul and I find ourselves doing the hip turn and 'wiggly fingers', why? Well cos thats how Abbey dances and we encourage her to the point that we look like that scary washing machine that sold on TradeMe during a nasty spin cycle.

In teaching Abbey to move to music, we've losing a part of us, the ability to be coordinated, legs go one way, arms another. So maybe Abbey shaking her head isn't a dance move after all maybe its a 'Noooooo not again'?

So I've lost my rhythm, not sure where I left it, perhaps in Frances Perry House. I might ring the midwife and see if shes found it cos I'd really like it back, please.

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