Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sleeping like a baby

You know I now hate that saying, 'Sleeping like a baby' as you know in my case it meant 45 minutes at a time!  Sleeping like a toddler, now that should have been ok.  We had the gastro a couple of weeks back which put a dent in the sleeping through arrangements (yes I spoke to her and we had a deal!) and then she went back to sleeping through.  Hurrah!

Then the tooth fairy decided this was obviously way too much sleep for me and decided that Abbey should have 3 molars and an eye tooth cut through. So nice of her.  I'm so glad we don't remember our teeth coming through, the molars look like they hurt. A lot.  

And then (yes just like Ginsu knives there's more), she got a cold.  A headcold.  You know, the ones where you cant breathe through your nose so you sleep with your mouth open and the drool running onto your pillow, no, just me admitting that one then?

Poor baby, she's snoring like her Daddy and drooling so much she went through 3 t-shirts yesterday.
I'm hoping she gets better soon.

Its sunny here, the weather has been stunning.  We have been able to play outside lots.  Fresh air does wonders for your soul.

We don't have much of a garden, due to the water restrictions, most of our garden is stones.  Abbey doesn't mind, she loves digging them up and putting them down the drain, in the pot plant, in the bottom of the gnome.   I don't think we would have realised how sad it is to have no lawn if it wasn't pointed out.  She's so happy just being able to play out there.  She doesn't eat the stones either which is a good thing as I'm pretty sure Alfie (our cat) was using it as a really big litter box.

 In other news, Alfie went missing.  He disappeared on Tuesday night and we found him at our old house on Saturday.  Clever boy getting all the way to our old house.

So he's indoors for a while as he's a bit scared and hasn't been eating well so his bowel habits have been, well best unsaid.

We think he must have been out visiting the neighbours cats and got spooked by something or someone as   we'd been at our new place for over 5 weeks when he vanished.  We kept him inside for 2 weeks when we first moved and then we let him come and go during the day and kept him at night.  So for 3 weeks he was coming back so we don't think he just ran away.


Did I mention Abbey is talking?  She has even more words, and can identify sheep with 'Baaa', Dogs with 'woof woof' but most importantly she bought me my flip flops/thongs/jandals the other day and said ... 'Shoe', ah bless she really is taking after me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh we have a crazy ginger cat too! Likes to disappear for days on end, comes home starving and sleeps for 3 days straight.

Love it when the little ones start talking...Jazzy pointed at a worm yesterday and said 'caterpillar'. Amazing (to me anyway!)