Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What I covet

Ok so I have been very slack, oh yes I have so many excuses to give you as to why I haven't blogged but instead I'll share my wish list.

blog this has challenges and this time it is 'Do people think you're hard to buy for or are you constantly dropping hints? What's on your ultimate gift list? If you were to write a list of 5 things that would be on the list of perfect presents for your next birthday what would they be? Would it be a particular thing or anything from a particular store/shop? An
experience or something with pretty bows? Practical or whimsical?'

So the folllowing are the 5 things on my wish list...

A trip home, home is good, home is family, home is where I am not although we're not planning on going home for a good for a while, a trip home would be a nice gift.

A fine bottle of plonk, something I would never buy myself, something I could share with my Mum and Sisters too.

Another child. Although not quite yet please as I really want to make my sister's wedding in the Cook Islands without having to bribe my Doctor to let me on the plane in case I have the child there.

Smiles. I can't get enough of them. Especially from my wee one and her Dad.

Time. I never seem to have enough of it. God help me when I rejoin the workforce!

And lastly my most coveted item at the moment. Sleep. A solid 8 hours of it, with Abbey in her own cot doing the same although if she could have 12 hours I'd be eternally grateful.

Ok so that's 6 but if they could give me the bottle of Moet on the plane would that count as one gift?

Disclaimer - this is a current wish list only should anyone attempt to bribe me with any of the above please note I have the ability to veto one or all of the above especially if I haven't had my morning coffee.


Aussie-waffler said...

It all sounds pretty good to me.

Unknown said...

Oh I like the idea of a wish list. I think I'm gonna put some more thought into it and put one up on the fridge to inspire me.

On the shortlist though...
1. A great night out filled with good friends and great cocktails
2. A day of sunbaking (yes, with sunscreen) and a fat trashy novel
3. A great pair of size 10 jeans and the butt to fit into them
4. A husband and kids who can read my mind...

Ness said...

I thought most would appeal Aussie-Waffler! Although I'm thinking of swapping or just extending my list to include Hi I'm Alex's as well except number 3 but that my dears is a whole other post!