Thursday, November 19, 2009

Don't park or ride on the footpath

The suburb I live in is relatively new, therefore there is lots of new houses going up everywhere, yes fabulous for the economy but the pram pusher not so much.  

Everytime I take Abbey out I feel I am taking both our lives in my hands.  Why?  Well because tradesmen, home occupants have no concept of the fact that are footpath is for walking on, not parking your friggin car/van/truck.  I've lost count of the number of times I have had to push the pram out onto the road because I simply have no where else to go.  It really pisses me off!  Oh and the gates, you know the big fence gates that they use to shield a building site from the public, well they are often left wide open, that's right blocking the footpath.

I've lost all patience with them and have been known to scold (yes scold I am my Mother!) builders, for forcing me onto the road.

So if you are a homeowner/renter/tradesperson for fucks sake don't park on the footpath!

Yeah and a special mention to the lazy arsed posties who no longer do their rounds on foot but rather on the comfort of a motorbike, I have right of way as you are a motorised vehicle on the footpath. Force me onto an embankment, road, wet grass area again and I'll push you off your bike.

And again if you try to tell me you didn't see me coming postman let me show you again the colour of my pram, I swear its brighter than a safety vest.


Brenda said...

Argh! These get my goat too. Grrr. Inconsiderate Basterds. Grrr. Especially those ones who ride their bicycles on the footpath and give you the look. You know the one that says "move you stoopid pram-pushing person, I "own" this footpath. Arghhhhh!!!!

Unknown said...

I love trying to roll my double pram (filled with two HEAVY kids) out of the way for the postie and bike riders, cos they sure as hell must have right of way.

People are just getting ruder and ruder. My favourite act of rudeness though is when you have your hands full of small children in a public place and drop something, like your keys. No one picks them up. I was struggling and a 90 year old woman finally bent down to help me, bless. Whats up with that?!

Veronica Foale said...

Drives me mad!

Ness said...

Ooo I forgot about cyclists, although don't get many round here!
I know what you mean Alex as if I set Abbey down for a second she runs off!
Glad I'm not alone in this one!