Friday, June 25, 2010

A new beginning

Life is changing and its all for the good, I am interviewing at the moment for a full time position close to home.  The Princess is more than ready for childcare (she waved goodbye to me when I went for an interview and didn't get upset once when left with a friend for 5 hours!) and I am more than ready to hit the workforce!

I've been diagnosed with Graves disease and have to avoid getting preggers for a while so we decided that I'd go back to work.  The plan was for part-time but the jobs available are all in the afternoon in the city and it just wouldn't work for us.  There is no part-time work close to home so I started looking at full-time and found the perfect job.  An organisation that is an employer of choice for women, RDO's and a 10 min bus ride from my house!

I had my 2nd interview today so have fingers and toes crossed!

Who knows with a new job I may rediscover my blogging mojo and post more often!!!


1 comment:

Brenda said...

Oh my! That doesn't sound. The Graves disease, I mean.

But Yays! on the job, Ness.X